Tuesday, March 11, 2008


inproper posture.
mistaken grin.
cheese winning
flee spinning
ill adequate
type of tone.
but i'm addicted..
or so i say.

misinterpreted gestures.
butterfly effect.
recycled picture
in the back of my head
memory fades on cue
manipulation bids adeu
and i'm addicted..
or so i feel.

permanent handicap
vibrant goosebump effect
tingling fingers
& a scent oh so sweet
yet oh so familiar
and oh so naive.
you make me hate you
and i'm addicted..
or so you think.

flirtatious grins
pleading sins
begging to be heard
drunken touchy "feelyness"
at the side of my fingers
fingertips intertwined
in that love type of grasp
you confuse my mind
but i'm addicted..
or so i plead.

no air left to breathe
no vowels left to speak
no nerves to be touched
and no minds to be made up
over done and over used
abused, ridiculed & left to dry
in that "best friend"
type of love song.
but i'm addicted...
or so i scream.

sunshine of the spotless mind me.
take my eyes and filter the sight
twist my mind and erase the spots
rewind and delete rewind and delete
but i'm addicted.
but i'm addicted.
an involuntary type of love.
free me.

will you please?
for fucks sake will you please.

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