Tuesday, February 5, 2008

word on the street is..

... we're throwing a party?

in a few weeks d will be flying in from the bay.
in a few weeks sheeluvlee will be getting old.
in a few weeks im gonna get shit drunk.

this is a story about d. or rather, fp.

d has a friend, or should i say, non friend named lisa.. or layyashdflasf something with an "L"
for the sake of this story, we'll refer to her as homegirl aka dumb bitch.
homegirl thinks us fp kids are down right satanic worshipers because we have a passion for art, fashion, readin' & writin', haha.. even thrift store shopping(<--evil), music, oh how we love music, and dancing.. just to name a few.
although its only the opinion of one, she has decided to judge us based on our myspace profiles? our photos? cos the girl has never met us.
the silly thing is, all of us, we're quite normal. half of us are all lovey-dovey, peace not war, lets frolic down the hill side holding hands singing kumbaya. then theres the other half, okay, we're kinda bad. as in sleazy, but that dont mean satan's my daddy, dumb bitch.
in this day and age, who's anti-creativity. dont you write for a living anyways?

we may not seem it, but we are sweethearts.

so they say on the streets.


Anonymous said...

whiskey daze,

i may be here for your little party.

love your not boyfriend, mike, cause brandon still thinks you're his girl.

sheeluvlee said...

im getting old. cane status old.

at least we picked out a name cause of this shituation. mahahaha.

16 days and counting.